Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day Three

Took us a little time to get out of Bend Oregan, hit the high desert, hot, hot, hot! We are going through lots of ice, riding today made me realize how small we really are in the ream of things. America the Beatiful came to mind. 100+ miles today, we stay in Burns Oregan and it was a fitting name.


  1. Glad you are safe. Tell Alinda and Bobby hello and I love them.

    Sister Susie

  2. What an amazing adventure. Love you and Patty. Stay safe. Thanks for the update.


  3. The other group I told you I was following are in NY state now. They have lost 2 riders. One bike wreck between 2 riders in their group and the other from slipping on the metal strip at a bridge. Both resulted in broken bones and dropping out. You all be careful now.

  4. From Sam - Hi, I won an Ipod at the fair. It is really cool!
    From Eric - Hi, I am happy for you and the fair was awesome!
    From Daniel - How many times have you pushed the button? Push the button so you can come back early!
    From Sis- State Fair was awesome! Sam won an ipod ($179) and we got free ride stamps from our friend. We had a great day! Thanks for the $ the boys came home with three gold fish, 3 knives, a cup, a stuffed animal, a plastic bat and ball, and a trumpet!! So glad that I didn't have to serve as a juror! I was the third from the last that they kicked out! Will tell you all about it when we talk. Mom went to the camp to paint the roof. She will be back in a couple of days. Her foot is doing better. Julie's doctor appointment went well. The C-section is scheduled for December 2. She is happy with the date because it gives her a chance to have it naturally. She thinks it is a boy because the person doing her sonogram kept saying, "he" and the person didn't know that they didn't know the sex. So, it appears that we are going to have an Oscar! Well, you know what family we think of when we hear the name! Ha Ha Oh well!! Anyways, I start school on Thursday. I passed my Praxis. Now, I am officially certified to be a principal. Didn't get to interview for this current posting because of jury duty, but others will come. Sam and Eric have a temperature, not sure what they are getting. Maybe we can be sick before school starts. I guess you will be out of Oregon soon. Glad you have had successful rides so far! Look forward to knowing where you are next!
