Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Saturday night in Hiland WY!

Went to the  bar  and visit with Kenny the store/bar/restaurant owner.  The bar was open for business,  Kenny was a character, we all had a hot time in Hiland WY last night.  We meet all 10 people who live in Hiland WY and  Bill's two dogs.  We where all ready  to spend the night along the road.  Tom "our Think a head guy" gad filled 10 gallons jugs of water so we didn't run out.  Instead we had  a great time with Kenny, Bill, Mary.  Mary's cooking breakfast in the morning for the group.  Saw the incredible rainbow,  Life is good!  Everyday is a new journey!  Hiland WY is what America is  all about!

1 comment:

  1. Ten people! Now you could really “paint the town” here!
