Wednesday, September 8, 2010

2nd glace at Kanas and The Missouri Bluff

First impressions are often our only impressions.
We almost made that mistake in Kanas.
For example, Hwy 36 is the West/East Highway. As we traveled, we only noticed the few gas stations along the way. Then we started looking a little deeper. Just blocks to the north or south were wonderful old buildings, communities with clean landscapes, city parks, even RV hookups.

As we entered a grocery store, we noticed local high school shirts for sale. At the Buckshot Inn, John  began a conversation with the hostess who informed him that the local high school team won 60+ games and a book was written about the team and coach, Roger Barta. The next day, we reentered the grocery store and bought the books. Yes, a deeper look into the dedication, hard work, and determination of this community. How proud they are of their youth.

The terrain of Kansas ---on first glance we gleefully pedaled up the hills and flew down the hills. Then we realized the 3 types of terrain--rollys,  poleys, and humptys (small hill within the rolly poley).  Here's the math question for the day. We rode 103 miles, started at an elevation of 1,680 and ended at an elevation of 1,680. We climbed 5000 feet, How many rollys poleys did we climb? Plus wind. So Kansas offered more than at mere glance. In fact, Kansas prepared us for the final leg of the trip.

So take a lesson from Kansas, take a 2nd look in life--there is more than meets the eye.

Missouri Bluffs. After Kansas we gleamed with joy at a slightly forgiving terrain with less cross wind. We discovered that riding in the "Lane Closed" side was really fun--as long as we looked for the "Gravel" We had our best day of the bike until... Missouri called our bluff on Hw 79 south for 80 miles. The Mississippi River Trail is a scenic highway with gorgeous views of the Mississippi--yes on top of the bluff. Steep climbs, relatively short --.5 to .75 climbs--3,4,5 mile per hour steep. We soon realized that Missouri had called our bluff and we did work to finish the state. Thru the gravel road, we learned  perservance. Most of all we had opportunity to see the lowlands along the Mississippi. The lushness of Missouri is a welcome sight. This state has a strong history--in fact we passed the Stark Brothers original nursery of 1818 in Louisiana, Missouri.

How's the group doing after Kansas and Missouri? Bayer Back and Body is our drug of choice. Paul keeps us fueled with fruits, wonderful breakfasts and dinners. Our morning routine is taking less time and we continously laugh. Patty reminded us that when we get home we are to tell her to tear up her bucket list. Ha! With all the pedaling, our minds are clear and our hearts are happy.
We are blessed as we  safely travel. We feel your prayers and support. We love to hear from you and we think of you often.
Thanks for all your support. See you soon.
Keep pedaling!

Alinda Perrine, Free Spirit Adventures, 135 Bicycle lane, Caldwell,WV  24925


  1. Thinking about you guys today, love all the posts and pics. Thank you for sharing your journey with all the rest of us.Linda Rodgers

  2. Hey Lynn,

    MeMe has viewed your blogsite. She says, " Have fun but hurry home. We need you to cook our dinner. (Joke, Joke)

    The applebutter gang says hi!


  3. Great Post! I can picture it all in my mind!! Keep pedaling!!
